
Participative Art Installation
Hosted by Clevedon Creatives + Co
Supported by Franklin Arts Centre
Funded by Franklin Local Board

Participative Art Installation
Supported by Auckland Council Libraries
Hosted by Pakuranga Library

Participative Art Installation
Supported by Te Tuhi, UXBRIDGE Arts & Culture,
Hosted by Ormiston Town Centre
Funded by Arts Out East and Howick Local Board

Garden of Words
Participative Art Installation
Supported, hosted and funded by Massey University of New Zealand
Albany campus
Spanish week

Participative Art Installation
Hosted by Howick Village market
Supported by Arts Out East Festival and Howick Local Board

"Outside the Room" is a series of projects designed for a specific space, but whose concept transcends its walls.

Balloon Room
Participative Art Installation
Hosted by UXBRIDGE Arts & Culture,
Supported and funded by Creative Communities NZ

Relaxing Room
Participative Art Installation
Hosted by UXBRIDGE Arts & Culture,
Supported and funded by Creative Communities NZ

Dark Room
Participative Art Installation
Hosted by UXBRIDGE Arts & Culture,
Supported and funded by Creative Communities NZ

Jugar no cuesta Nada
(Playing doesn't cost anything)
Intervened objects: dolls
with actions: play
and reflections: poems

Transitar un Proceso...
Habitar la ausencia con el cuerpo y el lenguaje